{% extends "index.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ page.title }}

{{ page.content | safe }} {% endblock content %} {% block prev_link %} {% if page.smaller %} {% else %} {# No page before, find the link for the section it's in if there is one #} {% set parent = get_section(path=page.ancestors | reverse | first) %} {% endif %} {% endblock prev_link %} {% block next_link %} {% if page.higher %} {% else %} {# No page after, find the link for the following section #} {% set index = get_section(path="_index.md") %} {% set found_current = false %} {% for s in index.subsections %} {% set subsection = get_section(path=s) %} {% if found_current %} {# no break #} {% set_global found_current = false %} {% endif %} {% for p in subsection.pages %} {% if p.permalink == page.permalink %} {% set_global found_current = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock next_link %}