93 lines
2.9 KiB
93 lines
2.9 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Peripherals.Ram() where
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Int (Int32)
import qualified Clash.Sized.Vector as Vec
-- vector depth has to be known statically at compile time
#ifndef _RAM_DEPTH
#define _RAM_DEPTH 1024
-- TODO : replace Unsigned 32 with BusVal types later...
type Ram = Vec _RAM_DEPTH (Unsigned 32)
initRamFromFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Ram)
initRamFromFile filePath =
initRam = Vec.replicate (SNat :: SNat _RAM_DEPTH) 0
bs <- readFileIntoByteString filePath
let ints = getInts bs
pure $ populateVectorFromInt32 ints initRam
readFileIntoByteString :: FilePath -> IO BL.ByteString
readFileIntoByteString filePath = BL.readFile filePath
-- Define a function to read a ByteString and convert to [Int32]
getInts :: BL.ByteString -> [Int32]
getInts bs = runGet listOfInts bs
listOfInts = do
empty <- isEmpty
if empty
then pure []
else do
i <- getInt32le -- Parse a single Int32 from the stream
rest <- listOfInts -- Recursively parse the rest
pure (i : rest)
-- Adjusts the length of a list of integers by either truncating or padding with zeros
populateVectorFromInt32 ::
KnownNat n =>
[Int32] ->
Vec n (Unsigned 32) ->
Maybe (Vec n (Unsigned 32))
populateVectorFromInt32 ls v = Vec.fromList adjustedLs
vecLen = length v
adjustedLs = fromIntegral <$> adjustLength vecLen ls
adjustLength :: Int -> [Int32] -> [Int32]
adjustLength n xs = P.take n (xs P.++ P.repeat 0)
-- Function to increment each element of a Clash vector
-- prepareVector :: KnownNat n => [Int32] -> Vec n (Unsigned 32)
-- prepareVector xs = let
-- unsigneds = map (fromIntegral :: Int32 -> Unsigned 32) xs -- Step 1: Convert Int32 to Unsigned 32
-- len = length unsigneds
-- in case compare len (snatToNum (SNat @n)) of -- Step 2: Adjust the length of the list
-- LT -> takeI unsigneds ++ repeat 0 -- Pad with zeros if the list is shorter
-- GT -> takeI unsigneds -- Truncate if the list is longer
-- EQ -> takeI unsigneds -- No padding or truncation needed
-- Function to load firmware
-- loadFirmware :: KnownNat n => [Int32] -> Vec n (Unsigned 32)
-- loadFirmware (x:xs) = vecHead ++ vecTail
-- where
-- vecHead = singleton (fromIntegral x)
-- vecTail = loadFirmware xs
-- loadFirmware [] = takeI $ repeat 0
-- loadFirmware xs = v
-- where
-- mapped :: [Unsigned 32] = Clash.Prelude.fromIntegral <$> xs
-- c = takeI (mapped ++ repeat 0)
-- v = takeI $ (mapped ++ repeat 0)
-- -- Example usage
-- someList :: [Int32]
-- someList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-- mem :: Vec 16 (Unsigned 32)
-- mem = loadFirmware someList |