75 lines
2.4 KiB
75 lines
2.4 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2022 Yehowshua Immanuel
// This program is distributed under both the GPLV3 license
// and the YEHOWSHUA license, both of which can be found at
// the root of the folder containing the sources for this program.
use std::fs::File;
use fastwave_backend::*;
fn indented_print(indent : u8, name : &String) {
for _ in 0..indent {print!(" |");}
fn print_root_scope_tree(root_idx: ScopeIdx, vcd: &VCD, indent : u8) {
if vcd.child_scopes_by_idx(root_idx).is_empty() {
} else {
for child_scope_idx in vcd.child_scopes_by_idx(root_idx) {
indented_print(indent, vcd.scope_name_by_idx(child_scope_idx));
// for signal_idx in vcd.get_children_signal_idxs(child_scope_idx) {
// let signal = vcd.try_signal_idx_to_signal(signal_idx).unwrap();
// match signal {
// Signal::Data {..} => {}
// Signal::Alias {..} => {}
// }
// // let to_print = format!("{},{}", signal.name(), )
// }
// vcd.try_signal_idx_to_signal(idx)
print_root_scope_tree(child_scope_idx, vcd.clone(), indent + 1);
fn ui_all_scopes(vcd: &VCD) {
for root_scope_idx in vcd.root_scopes_by_idx() {
indented_print(0, vcd.scope_name_by_idx(root_scope_idx));
print_root_scope_tree(root_scope_idx, vcd, 1u8);
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
use std::time::Instant;
let now = Instant::now();
let file_path = "tests/vcd-files/icarus/CPU.vcd";
let file = File::open(file_path)?;
let vcd = parse_vcd(file).unwrap();
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Parsed VCD file {} : {:.2?}", file_path, elapsed);
println!("Printing Scopes");
let file_path = "tests/vcd-files/amaranth/up_counter.vcd";
let file = File::open(file_path)?;
let vcd = parse_vcd(file).unwrap();
// let state_signal = vcd.all_si
// for signal_idx in vcd.si
// let name = state_signal.name();
// let time = BigUint::from(57760000u32);
// let val = state_signal
// .query_string_val_on_tmln(
// &time,
// &vcd.tmstmps_encoded_as_u8s,
// &vcd.all_signals,
// )
// .unwrap();
// println!("Signal `{name}` has value `{val}` at time `{time}`");