use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io; use std::fs::File; use num::*; use clap::Parser; #[derive(Parser)] struct Cli { /// The path to the file to read #[clap(parse(from_os_str))] path: std::path::PathBuf, } struct Timestamp{ file_offset: u64, timestamp: BigInt } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let args = Cli::parse(); let file = File::open(&args.path)?; let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(file); let mut buffer = String::new(); let mut timestamp_offsets = Vec::new(); let mut timestamps = Vec::new(); while { let bytes_read = reader.read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap(); bytes_read > 0 } { if &buffer[0..1] == "#" { let pos = reader.stream_position().unwrap(); timestamp_offsets.push(pos); let timestamp = { let len = buffer.len(); let str_val = &buffer[1..(len - 1)].as_bytes(); BigInt::parse_bytes(str_val, 10).unwrap() }; timestamps.push(timestamp); } buffer.clear() } let index = 4; let timestamp_offset = timestamp_offsets.get(index).unwrap(); let timestamp = timestamps.get(index).unwrap(); dbg!((timestamp_offset, timestamp)); // seek to where we found the first timestamp and read // out the next line*timestamp_offset)); reader.read_line(&mut buffer); dbg!(buffer); Ok(()) }