New parser #2
@ -27,25 +27,15 @@ The first build of the program may take some time.
You can run all the tests with ``cargo test``
- [x] We need a way to merge lines.
- [x] We need to start regression testing the parser over all files
- [x] Decide if I want to return option types
- [x] Propagate all to question mark unwrap types.
- [x] Don't want variation in hh:mm:ss
- [x] parser_atoms -> combinator_atoms
- [x] make parse/
- [x] remove/replace calls to match_not_empty
- [x] Split ````. It's getting too large.
- [x] move list of files to separate test file/folder
- [ ] support multiple root scopes
- [ ] support parsing dates with commas
- [ ] Fix warning especially usage and restriction warnings once I'm
able to successfully parse all sample VCDs.
- [ ] Consolidate error messages and add cursors.
- [ ] Consolidate error messages and add cursors throughout.
- [ ] Consider what to do with don't care values
will probably just convert them to strings for now.
- [ ] Include line and possible column numbers
- [ ] Change states to lowercase
- [ ] Take a look at GTKWave parser to compare effificiency.
- [ ] Send survey to community channel.
@ -187,59 +187,38 @@ fn parse_signal_tree<'a>(
// #[named]
// fn parse_signal_tree_outer<'a>(
// word_reader : &mut WordReader,
// vcd : &'a mut VCD,
// signal_map : &mut HashMap<String, Signal_Idx>
// ) -> Result<(), String> {
// // We assume we've already seen a `$scope` once by the time we reach this function,
// // that why its call `parse_signal_tree_outer` and not just `parse_signal_tree`.
// // If our WordReader had a `putback` function, we wouldn't need to have a
// // `parse_signal_tree_outer`.
// TODO : make this a generic traversal function that applies specified
// functions upon encountering scopes and signals
fn print_signal_tree(
root_scope_idx : Scope_Idx,
all_scopes : &Vec<Scope>,
all_signals : &Vec<Signal>,
depth : usize)
let indent = " ".repeat(depth * 4);
let Scope_Idx(root_scope_idx) = root_scope_idx;
let root_scope = &all_scopes[root_scope_idx];
let root_scope_name = &;
// // the current scope is the parent scope
println!("{indent}scope: {root_scope_name}");
// // $scope module reg_mag_i $end
// // ^^^^^^ - module keyword
// let err = format!("reached end of file without parser leaving {}", function_name!());
// ident(word_reader, "module")?;
// // $scope module reg_mag_i $end
// // ^^^^^^^^^ - scope name
// let (scope_name, _) = word_reader.next_word().ok_or(err)?;
// let curr_scope_idx = Scope_Idx(vcd.all_scopes.len());
// // register this scope as a child of the current parent scope
// let Scope_Idx(parent_scope_idx_usize) = parent_scope_idx;
// let parent_scope = vcd.all_scopes.get_mut(parent_scope_idx_usize).unwrap();
// parent_scope.child_scopes.push(curr_scope_idx);
// vcd.all_scopes.push(
// Scope {
// name: scope_name.to_string(),
// parent_idx: parent_scope_idx,
// self_idx: curr_scope_idx,
// child_signals: vec![],
// child_scopes: vec![]
// }
// );
// // $scope module reg_mag_i $end
// // ^^^^ - end keyword
// ident(word_reader, "$end")?;
// // recursive - parse inside of current scope tree
// parse_signal_tree(word_reader, curr_scope_idx, vcd, signal_map);
// // ascend from parsing inside of current scope tree, expect $upscope $end
// ident(word_reader, "$upscope")?;
// ident(word_reader, "$end")?;
// Ok(())
// }
for Signal_Idx(ref signal_idx) in &root_scope.child_signals {
let child_signal = &all_signals[*signal_idx];
let name = match child_signal {
Signal::Data{name, ..} => {name}
Signal::Alias{name, ..} => {name}
println!("{indent} - sig: {name}")
for scope_idx in &root_scope.child_scopes {
// let Scope_Idx(ref scope_idx_usize) = scope_idx;
// let child_scope = &all_scopes[*scope_idx_usize];
print_signal_tree(*scope_idx, all_scopes, all_signals, depth+1);
// let root = vcd.all_scopes;
pub fn parse_vcd(file : File) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut word_gen = WordReader::new(file);
@ -252,13 +231,15 @@ pub fn parse_vcd(file : File) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut signal_map = std::collections::HashMap::new();
let mut vcd = VCD{
metadata: header,
metadata : header,
all_signals: vec![],
all_scopes: vec![],
all_scopes : vec![],
scope_roots: vec![],
parse_signal_tree(&mut word_gen, None, &mut vcd, &mut signal_map)?;
println!("printing signal tree");
print_signal_tree(Scope_Idx(0), &vcd.all_scopes, &vcd.all_signals, 0);
@ -59,4 +59,5 @@ pub(super) struct Scope {
pub struct VCD {
pub(super) metadata : Metadata,
pub(super) all_signals : Vec<Signal>,
pub(super) all_scopes : Vec<Scope>}
pub(super) all_scopes : Vec<Scope>,
pub(super) scope_roots : Vec<Scope_Idx>}
Reference in a new issue