# About Example demonstrating how one might architect a single page application Elm app. # Dependencies MacOS You will need to have rust and cargo installed on MacOS. ```bash brew install node elm npm install -g uglify-js@2.4.11 ``` # Building `make serve` or `make serve_debug` Now open `` in your browser. # TODO - [x] Add Makefile - [ ] `EventHandlers.onMessage` should inject successfully decoded message into Msg type directly... - [ ] Run `uglify` twice as per [this link](https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-spa-example/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#production-build) - [ ] Clicking in upper left should go to landing page. - [ ] Add GPLV3 License - [ ] Add `make release` target that is nix ready... - [ ] Determine if `src/Body.elm` or pages in `src/Page` should have subscription functions - [ ] use actix backend that maps most root requests to serve `actix_file::Files` - [ ] Submit to slack for feedback... - [ ] Refactor into router page - [ ] Handle back-navigation - [ ] Add `default.nix`