now parsing sigspec
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ AST for the given input `il` file.
$ nix-shell
$ rtlil-parse test/corpus/ -o parsed1.ast
$ rtlil-parse
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module RTLILParser.AST(
AutoIdxStmt(..), ParamStmt(..), AutogenId(..),
Constant(..), CellStmt(..), PublicId(..),
AttrStmt(..), Value(..), Id(..),
CellId(..), CellType(..), WireId(..),
AutoIdxStmt(..), ParamStmt(..), AutogenId(..),
Constant(..), CellStmt(..), PublicId(..),
AttrStmt(..), Value(..), Id(..),
CellId(..), CellType(..), WireId(..),
SigSpec(..), Slice(..)
) where
import Text.Read (Lexeme(Ident))
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import GHC.RTS.Flags (DoCostCentres(CostCentresAll))
data PublicId = PublicId String deriving (Show)
data AutogenId = AutogenId String deriving (Show)
data Slice = Slice Int (Maybe Int) deriving (Show)
data Id = Public PublicId
| Autogen AutogenId
deriving (Show)
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ data CellId = CellId Id deriving (Show)
data CellType = CellType Id deriving (Show)
data SigSpec = SigSpecConstant Constant
| SigSpecWireId WireId
| SigSpecSlice SigSpec Int (Maybe Int)
| SigSpecSlice SigSpec Slice
| SigSpecConcat [SigSpec]
deriving (Show)
data Value = Value
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- this parser largely references:
module RTLILParser.Parser(a, val) where
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import Control.Monad (void)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import RTLILParser.AST(
AutoIdxStmt(..), ParamStmt(..), AutogenId(..),
Constant(..), CellStmt(..), PublicId(..),
AttrStmt(..), Value(..), Id(..),
CellId(..), CellType(..), WireId(..),
AutoIdxStmt(..), ParamStmt(..), AutogenId(..),
Constant(..), CellStmt(..), PublicId(..),
AttrStmt(..), Value(..), Id(..),
CellId(..), CellType(..), WireId(..),
SigSpec(..), Slice(..)
import Util(binaryStringToInt)
import RTLILParser.Primitives(pEscapedChar)
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ import RTLILParser.Primitives(pEscapedChar)
nonws :: Parser Char
nonws = noneOf " \t\r\n"
pMaybeWs :: Parser String
pMaybeWs = many (oneOf " \t")
pWs :: Parser String
pWs = many1 (oneOf " \t")
@ -105,12 +108,53 @@ pCellStmt = do
_ <- pEol
return $ CellStmt cellId cellType
-- Parse a single slice
pSlice :: Parser Slice
pSlice =
<$> (char '[' *> pMaybeWs *> pInteger <* pMaybeWs)
<*> (optionMaybe (char ':' *> pInteger) <* pMaybeWs <* char ']')
-- pModuleStmt :: Parser ()
-- pModuleStmt =
pSigSpecConcat :: Parser SigSpec
pSigSpecConcat = do
_ <- char '{' <* pWs
sigspecs <- pSigSpec `sepBy` pWs
_ <- pWs <* char '}'
return $ SigSpecConcat sigspecs
applySlices :: SigSpec -> Parser SigSpec
applySlices base = do
maybeSlice <- optionMaybe pSlice
case maybeSlice of
Nothing -> return base
Just slice -> applySlices (SigSpecSlice base slice)
pSingleSigSpec :: Parser SigSpec
pSingleSigSpec = do
baseSigSpec <- (SigSpecConstant <$> pConstant)
(SigSpecWireId <$> pWireId)
applySlices baseSigSpec
pSigSpec :: Parser SigSpec
pSigSpec =
try pSigSpecConcat -- Check for concatenation first
<|> pSingleSigSpec -- Otherwise parse a single sigspec
-- would correspond to `123456789[0:9][0:8]`
exampleSigSpecSlice =
(SigSpecConstant (ConstantInteger 123456789))
(Slice 0 $ Just 9)
(Slice 0 $ Just 8)
-- val = parse pInteger "pInteger" "721"
val = parse pModuleStmt "pModuleStmt" "module \\top\n"
-- val = parse pModuleStmt "pModuleStmt" "module \\top\n"
val = parse pSigSpec "pSigSpecSlice" "123456789[0:9][0:8]"
a :: Int
a = 3
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