working on naming parsers
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
- [x] Remove all instances of `_ <-`
- [ ] Module
- [ ] Remove weird GHC imports
- [ ] Embed locs in AST
- [ ] Remove `preProcessDiscardComments` from exports
- [x] Are the `try` statements in `pWireOption` correctly constructed?
- [ ] Consider the very weird case where the process body has nothing,
thus, `pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs` may never get invoked in any of
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ main = do
-- Attempt to read the file
contents <- catch (readFile filePath) handleReadError
putStrLn "File Contents:"
putStrLn contents
putStrLn $ Haskellator.preProcessDiscardComments contents
[] -> putStrLn "cabal run Haskellator -- <file-path>"
putStrLn $ ppShow Haskellator.val
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
module Haskellator(val) where
module Haskellator(
) where
import RTLILParser.Parser(val)
import RTLILParser.Parser(
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module RTLILParser.Parser(
val) where
@ -68,16 +68,24 @@ import RTLILParser.Primitives(
-- taken from:
-- parsers below are split int sections from the above link
runParser str = case parse pFile "pFile" preProcessedFile of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right val -> val
where preProcessedFile = preProcessDiscardComments str
-- identifiers
pId :: Parser Id
pId = Public <$> pPublicId
<|> Autogen <$> pAutogenId
<?> "Id"
pPublicId :: Parser PublicId
pPublicId = PublicId <$> (char '\\' *> many1 pNonWs)
<?> "PublicId"
pAutogenId :: Parser AutogenId
pAutogenId = AutogenId <$> (char '$' *> many1 pNonWs)
<?> "AutogenId"
-- values
pValue :: Parser Value
@ -86,6 +94,7 @@ pValue = do
char '\''
value <- many pBinaryDigit
return $ Value (read width) (binaryStringToInt value)
<?> "Value"
pDecimalDigit :: Parser Char
pDecimalDigit = oneOf "0123456789"
@ -93,7 +102,7 @@ pDecimalDigit = oneOf "0123456789"
-- update in the future to support 4 state logic
-- by converting x and z to 0 and warning about it.
pBinaryDigit :: Parser Char
pBinaryDigit = oneOf "01"
pBinaryDigit = oneOf "01" <?> "BinaryDigit"
pInteger :: Parser Int
pInteger = do
@ -103,37 +112,46 @@ pInteger = do
return $ case sign of
Just _ -> -value
Nothing -> value
<?> "Integer"
-- strings
pString :: Parser String
pString =
between delimiter delimiter parseString
<?> "String"
delimiter = char '"'
parseString = many (pEscapedChar <|> noneOf "\\\"")
-- comments
-- | Removes inline comments starting with '#' while preserving newlines
-- | Removes entire comment lines starting with '#' and inline comments
preProcessDiscardComments :: String -> String
preProcessDiscardComments input = unlines $ map stripComment $ lines input
preProcessDiscardComments input =
unlines $ map stripComment $ filter (not . isCommentLine) $ lines input
-- Strips comments from a single line
-- Checks if a line is a comment line (starts with '#')
isCommentLine line = case dropWhile (== ' ') line of
('#':_) -> True -- Line starts with '#'
_ -> False -- Line does not start with '#'
-- Strips inline comments from a single line
stripComment line = case break (== '#') line of
(code, "") -> code -- No comment found
(code, _) -> code -- Strip everything after '#'
-- file
pFile :: Parser File
pFile = File
<$> pAutoIdxStmt
<*> many pModule
<?> "File"
-- Autoindex statements
pAutoIdxStmt :: Parser AutoIdxStmt
pAutoIdxStmt = AutoIdxStmt
<$> (string "autoidx" *> pWs *>
pInteger <* pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs)
<?> "AutoIdxStmt"
-- Module
pModule :: Parser Module
@ -143,15 +161,18 @@ pModule = do
moduleBody <- pModuleBody
return $ Module moduleStmt attrs moduleBody
<?> "Module"
pModuleStmt :: Parser ModuleStmt
pModuleStmt = ModuleStmt
<$> (string "module" *> pWs *>
pId <* pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs)
<?> "ModuleStmt"
pModuleBody :: Parser ModuleBody
pModuleBody = ModuleBody
<$> many pModuleBodyVariant
<?> "ModuleBody"
pModuleBodyVariant :: Parser ModuleBodyVariant
pModuleBodyVariant =
@ -167,32 +188,45 @@ pModuleBodyVariant =
try (ModuleBodyMemory <$> pMemory ) <|>
try (ModuleBodyCell <$> pCell ) <|>
(ModuleBodyProcess <$> pProcess )
<?> "ModuleBodyVariant"
pParamStmt :: Parser ParamStmt
pParamStmt = ParamStmt
<$> (string "parameter" *> pWs *> pId <* pWs)
<*> optionMaybe pConstant
<* pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs
<?> "ParamStmt"
pConstant :: Parser Constant
pConstant =
pConstant = p <?> name where
name = "Constant"
p =
try (ConstantValue <$> pValue )
<|> (ConstantInteger <$> pInteger)
<|> (ConstantString <$> pString )
pModuleEndStmt :: Parser ()
pModuleEndStmt = void (string "end")
pModuleEndStmt = p <?> name where
name = "ModuleEndStmt"
p =
void (string "end")
-- Attribute statements
pAttrStmt :: Parser AttrStmt
pAttrStmt = AttrStmt
pAttrStmt = p <?> name where
name = "AttrStmt"
p =
<$> (string "attribute" *> pWs *> pId)
<*> (pWs *> pConstant)
<* pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs
-- Signal Specifications
pSigSpec :: Parser SigSpec
pSigSpec = do
pSigSpec = p <?> name where
name = "SigSpec"
p =
baseSigSpec <- (SigSpecConstant <$> pConstant)
(SigSpecWireId <$> pWireId)
@ -201,51 +235,71 @@ pSigSpec = do
applySlices baseSigSpec
pSigSpecConcat :: Parser SigSpec
pSigSpecConcat = do
pSigSpecConcat = p <?> name where
name = "SigSpecConcat"
p =
char '{' <* pWs
sigspecs <- pSigSpec `sepBy` pWs
pWs <* char '}'
return $ SigSpecConcat sigspecs
applySlices :: SigSpec -> Parser SigSpec
applySlices base = do
applySlices base = p <?> name where
name = "ApplySlices"
p =
maybeSlice <- optionMaybe pSlice
case maybeSlice of
Nothing -> return base
Just slice -> applySlices (SigSpecSlice base slice)
pSlice :: Parser Slice
pSlice =
pSlice = p <?> name where
name = "Slice"
p =
<$> (pMaybeWs *> char '[' *> pMaybeWs *> pInteger <* pMaybeWs)
<*> (optionMaybe (char ':' *> pInteger) <* pMaybeWs <* char ']')
-- Connections
pConnStmt :: Parser ConnStmt
pConnStmt = ConnStmt
pConnStmt = p <?> name where
name = "ConnStmt"
p =
<$> (string "connect" *> pWs *> pSigSpec)
<*> (pWs *> pSigSpec)
<* pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs
-- Wires
pWire :: Parser Wire
pWire = do
pWire = p <?> name where
name = "Wire"
p = do
attrs <- many pAttrStmt
wireStmt <- pWireStmt
return $ Wire wireStmt attrs
pWireStmt :: Parser WireStmt
pWireStmt = do
pWireStmt = p <?> name where
name = "WireStmt"
p = do
string "wire" <* pWs
options <- many pWireOption <* pWs
wireId <- WireId <$> pId <* pEolAndAdvanceToNextNonWs
return $ WireStmt wireId options
pWireId :: Parser WireId
pWireId = WireId <$> pId
pWireId = p <?> name where
name = "WireId"
p =
WireId <$> pId
pWireOption :: Parser WireOption
pWireOption =
pWireOption = p <?> name where
name = "WireOption"
p =
try (WireOptionWidth <$> (string "width" *> pWs *> pInteger)) <|>
try (WireOptionOffset <$> (string "offset" *> pWs *> pInteger)) <|>
try (WireOptionInput <$> (string "input" *> pWs *> pInteger)) <|>
Reference in a new issue